What to Transfer Between Characters in Diablo 4? Diablo 4 is bringing back the dark and gritty gothic world of Sanctuary. As players prepare to face off against Lilith and her demonic forces, they will have the ability to create different character classes and explore various build options.
One feature that can help when developing alts is the ability to transfer certain items and progression between characters.
What to transfer Between Characters in Diablo 4?
Here’s what transfers over and how to make the most of it while gearing up your alternate heroes in Diablo 4.
1. Shared Stash
The shared stash allows items stored in it to be accessed by all characters on an account. The shared stash will likely work similarly to previous Diablo games. Anything placed in the stash can be retrieved later by other characters.
This provides a way to pass down gears, gems, crafting materials, currency and consumables that aren’t bound to a character. Useful items found while playing one character can be banked for another character to utilize. You won’t have to discard or vendor items just because the current character has no use for it.
Strategic use of the shared stash can help quickly boost up and equip new alts, especially if you have a main character who has accumulated a lot of loot from endgame farming sessions.
2. Account-Wide Progression Systems
Diablo 4 incorporates certain progression mechanics that are account-wide rather than character restricted. For example, the Paragon Board unlocks perks by spending Paragon Points earned from max-level characters. This board and earned perks are shared, so new characters can take advantage of Paragon Points obtained on your other heroes.
Artisan crafting levels will also be account-wide. Levelling up Artisans like the Blacksmith or Jeweler on one character unlocks new crafting patterns and options that apply account-wide. So you can have a main focus on crafting with one character, while all characters reap the rewards of expanded crafting capabilities.
Your roster of unlocked camp followers will be shared between characters as well. So if you put effort into gearing up special followers on one character, the rest get access to the same enhanced followers.
3. Transferrable Cosmetics
Diablo 4 introduces a new wardrobe system that allows collecting cosmetic appearance altering items. Once unlocked, these cosmetic overrides can be used across characters to share the same visual look.
This means your various characters can look consistent as they represent the progression and achievements of your account. With cosmetics covering gear, weapons, armor sets, wings, pets and more, you have a lot of options to deck out the look you want while maintaining your preferred gear setups underneath.
Shared access to dyes unlocked from various sources also help customize colors and finishes across characters. Overall, the focus on horizontal progression for cosmetics gives long term account-wide goals separate from vertical character power progression.
4. Crafting Materials and Currencies
Crafting materials and currencies are key items you’ll want to accumulate on shared stash space. This includes crafting reagents like oils, ashes and embers used to modify gear. Crafting specific item types requires spending the associated reagents.
Rarer materials that drop in endgame areas may be difficult for a fresh character to obtain. Having a stock ready on stash helps equip them with better gear. Turning excess materials into more valuable ones via vendors or item breakdown also unlocks new gear modification recipes.
Currencies like gold, platinum, merit points that have account-wide usage for gear, followers, cosmetics and more are handy to transfer over. You can funnel excess gold or gems from farming runs into preparing other characters.
5. Follower Gear Hand-Me-Downs
Followers are NPC companions who provide assistance during gameplay. Leveling up followers and equipping them with gear enhances their skills. Followers and their items are shared account-wide in Diablo 4.
This means you can have a main character focus on obtaining follower gear upgrades through crafting, drops or vendors. Gear like the Templar Relic or Enchantress Charm boost specific follower skills. Then hand-me-down fully geared followers to your alts to make leveling smoother.
The same applies for camp followers who offer passive bonuses and effects. Gear up key camp followers like the Blacksmith or Mystic with your main, and every character benefits from their upgraded capabilities unlocked by items.
6. Gem Progression
Skill gems in Diablo 4 provide powerful modifiers to skills when socketed into gear. Higher tier gems unlocked at endgame offer stronger effects, but require high gem power to equip. Gem power is earned through combining and breaking down gems.
Being able to transfer high tier gems between characters is useful, as new characters may not have the gem power to utilize those gems yet. Equipping alts with your stashed gems gives their builds a strong boost. Shared access to the jeweler also means any gems unlocked on one character can be accessed to equip later ones.
Strategies for Transferring Items
When it comes to transferring items between characters, there are some strategies to keep in mind:
- Use your highest level character as the main source for farming materials, currency and gear to supply alts
- Prioritize transferring items that are rare or hard to obtain for fresh characters like endgame crafting materials
- Hand-me-down completed gear sets or build-enabling items to quickly boost alts
- Focus on account-wide upgrades like followers first as they benefit all characters
- Craft items like consumables in bulk when possible, then transfer over stacks for alts
- Look for gear withstats suitable for leveling that alts can make use of
- Empty your shared stash before starting a new character so it’s ready to receive hand-me-downs
Figuring out your personal priorities for progression and strategically preparing shared transfers can significantly cut down on grind when working on alt characters.
Limitations On Transferring Items In Diablo 4
While many items can be freely transferred, there are some limitations:
- Character-bound items – Gear, weapons and items labeled as “Bound” cannot be transferred.
- Character progression – Levels, skills, attributes are character-specific.
- Character inventories – Space is limited per character, shared stash has room for overflow.
- Equipped gear – Items currently equipped will transfer over when switching characters. Stashed gear maintains bonuses.
- Crafting patterns – Unlocking crafting plans is per character, not account-wide.
- Character-exclusive items – Some special items may be restricted if part of a character-specific questline.
- Account item caps – Certain items may have weekly caps that hinder repeated transfers.
- Gear binding – Powerful endgame gear can sometimes become account-bound when equipped.
So while the shared stash and account-wide systems are very open, some restrictions still exist. Planning ahead and not relying on excessive transfers is wise. Use it as a helpful progression boost for alts rather than an endgame gear shuffle.
How To Transfer Items Between Characters In Diablo 4?
The process of actually transferring items between characters in Diablo 4 will likely work similarly to Diablo 3 and other ARPGs with account-wide stash systems.
- Open your shared stash tab from any character
- Drag and drop items from your inventory or personal stash into the shared stash
- The items will now be accessible by all characters from the shared stash
- With another character, visit the shared stash and withdraw needed items
- Equip them or move them into that character’s personal inventory/stash
- Rinse and repeat to pass items back and forth as needed
Aside from manually moving items, you can also swap currently equipped gear between characters by equipping an item, then switching characters – the gear will transfer over.
Crafting materials are automatically pulled account-wide, so no stash required. Account-bound currencies like gold and platinum are also shared.
Overall, the shared stash combined with account-wide progression systems make transferring goods between characters smooth.
Diablo 4 fortunately avoids restrictive character-binding of items and progression. The account-wide systems and shared stash space give players many options to equip alts without excessive re-grinding. Hand-me-down gear, transferring currencies and utilizing an account bank makes the process of developing new characters much smoother.
Experiment and find your own approach based on playstyle preferences. Dedicate a shared tab to hand-me-down gear, keep high gems stashed for socketing leveling gear, funnel excess materials and gold to alts. Progression and unlocks being shared account-wide is a boon for players looking to build up a roster of heroes fighting the evils of Sanctuary.
Q: What can be transferred between characters in Diablo 4?
A: In Diablo 4, players can transfer various items and progress between characters. This includes items stored in the shared stash tab, collected materials, gold, obols, and red dust, rewards from region progress (such as skill points, health potion capacity, and stash upgrades), as well as unlocked mounts, transmogs, outfit slots, and aspects.
Q: What cannot be transferred between characters in Diablo 4?
A: Certain things cannot be transferred between characters in Diablo 4. These include campaign progress and world tiers, consumables, and equipment that need to be unequipped from the old character, and campaign-specific features like Malignant Hearts.
Q: What is the Occultist’s role in transferring items?
A: The Occultist is an NPC in Diablo 4 that offers the service of Aspect Imprinting. This service allows players to forge a Legendary affix onto an item for a fee. The Occultist can extract powers from legendary items and imbue them into other items, enhancing their capabilities.
Q: Can I transfer my Diablo 4 character to a different Diablo 4?
A: For seasonal content in Diablo 4, your seasonal characters will not be deleted at the end of each season. Instead, they will be moved to the Eternal realm, along with all the items you collected, including your seasonal stash. However, season-specific features like Malignant Hearts will not be carried over to the Eternal realm and will no longer be accessible.

Muhammad Ahmad is a dedicated writer with 5+ years of experience delivering engaging and impactful content. He specializes in simplifying complex topics into easy-to-read articles.